
Thursday 16 September 2021

The ship

 Today for blogging I am uploading my writing task I did today. We had to write a story about a ship and a storm. My story is about two sibling who decided to go out to sea in their boat, but they soon got caught up in a big storm. They were heading for a bunch of rocks, but with the wind that picked up, it was hard for them to steer the boat away, but at the end, they made it back safely. 

Here is the story that I wrote. 


The ship

The waves got bigger and more dangerous. The ship felt like it was on a rollercoaster moving up and down as the waves crashed against the boat.  The wind started to pick up, making it feel like there was a tornado out there. “The boat is heading for those rocks, Jake,” said a girl named Lila. She stood on board, looking at the giant waves. Her brother Jake ran to steer the boat in a direction where it would not crash into the rocks. It was hard steering the boat, since the wind was strong, but they made it…

The ship nearly came to crash into the rocks, but managed to sail away, back to the direction they came from. Lila and Jake both were happy that they had just avoided a big disaster. The ship sailed back, like nothing had happened, but the storm still wasn’t over. Although they avoided the rocks, they still had a storm to manage.  

Since they are going the way the wind is blowing too, it's easier to steer the boat. But with the waves crashing against the boat, it was still too tricky. 

But at the end, they made it at the dock, safe and sound. 

What I enjoyed writing about my story was picking out the font for my writing.

I didn't find anything difficult with my story.

Have you ever written a story about a ship and a storm?

Monday 13 September 2021

Area of a triangle

 Today for blogging we had to make a poster about an area of a triangle. So me and my friend Anika went and made a google drawing and made a poster to explaining what to do. We also got a worksheet that we had to complete, at first it was kind of confusing, but at the end I understood it. Here is the poster that we made...

What I enjoyed was picking out the colour with Anika for the triangle. 
I found this easy and hard at the same time. I still think I need t work on this a little more.

Have you ever done something similar to this before? 

Friday 10 September 2021

Strange town

 Today for blogging I am uploading a blog post about our writing task this week. We had to write about strange town and we had a few activities to do about our writing. We had some question to answer and other challenges. In strange town there were many people that didn't look like ordinary humans. One of our challenges was to draw one of the characters from the picture on the Chromebook. I decided to do two of the characters, since the first character I finished quite fast.

Here is the google drawing that I made...

What I enjoyed was drawing the hats, the top was my favourite to make.

Have you ever drew a character from a book you have read on a device. 

Friday 3 September 2021

A painting

 Today for blogging I am uploading a slide about something any drawing or art I did at home in lockdown. So I decided to upload a slide that I made today about the art that I made and if you want to you can follow the steps and do the art yourself too, but I am just letting you know that the photos I took to help show exactly what to do, it kind of dark and hard to see the colours to be exact. 

But here is the slide...

What I enjoyed was drawing all the squiggly lines and then making them darker and wider. 
What I found difficult was taking a good and clearer picture of the painting when I finished it.  
What is one thing you did that you enjoyed?

Monday 30 August 2021


Ever since lockdown, I've missed all my friends, but also enjoyed staying home and sleeping in. I really miss going out with my family and also miss school. I hope that Lockdown will end soon, but of course, I also enjoy staying home, in bed and watching movies. What I have been doing for the past few days in lockdown wasn't much, but I do enjoy them. Usually in the morning or so, my mum would try and wake me up so that we could all walk a little bit outside, but I rarely ever came since I was too tired, but some days I still went. We would walk down the road and I would sometimes ride my bike as well. 

I have also been water colouring.
 I started water getting into water colouring when I saw something on youtube that really cached my eye. Although it wasn't water colouring, I really wanted to do something like that. I asked my mum if we could do water colouring since I know my mother really enjoys it. So I watched a video about water colouring and I started getting the hang of it. Soon I really enjoyed it and I started painting more and experimenting the colours. Last Christmas I actually got a water colouring set and haven't really done anything with it until now. 

Here is a picture of my water painting. I haven't finish yet, but this is how it looks like so far...


Tuesday 27 July 2021

Multiples and factors

I.A.L.T upload my learning tasks to my blog and write about them

Today we have been learning about multiples and factors. I don't know much about multiples and factors ans I still need to learn more about it. But here is a picture of my work that I did around multiples and factors...

What I found difficult was understanding the question and how to figure it out. 

What I probably did well was finishing and answering the question. 

Monday 14 June 2021

A good book I read recently

 For today's blog post, I'm blogging about the last good book I read. The last good book I read was My Hero Academia volume 4. My Hero Academia is a Manga about someone named Izuku Midoriya who wants to become a hero. In this book, 80 percent of the world's population has manifested some type of power called a quirk. There are heroes and villains. There is a school named UA where people like Midoriya go to and trains to be a hero at UA, but Midoriya was part of the 20 percent population who didn't get a quirk, but then he did thanks to All might who is the number 1 hero, or well used to be. Here is how the front of the book looks like. In this volume there is a school sports festival that Midoriya and their class attend. It's very interesting and my favourite character is Shoto Todoroki who is the one with red and white hair. My friend, Frances's favourite is the boy with the spiky blonde hair, Katsuki Bakugou. 

 My Hero Academia, Vol. 4 by Kohei Horikoshi, Paperback, 9781421585116 | Buy  online at The Nile

What I like about this book is that it's very fun to read and cures my boredom. I want to read the other volumes as well, even though I've watched the entire show. I would recommend some of my friends to read and watch this, but I don't think they will because I have told them to, but they don't. 

Have you ever watched My Hero Academia or at least read one of the books. If you did, who is your favourite character and why? 

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Place Value

 Today for blogging I'm uploading my maths that I did yesterday. The maths we had to do was to make a google drawings and create a poster that shows the place value of 3,478. We could decorate it afterwards. It was hard to choose what colour I wanted to make my background of my poster, but my friend helped me with it. I used pictures of flowers and duplicate it and put it in the thousands, hundreds, tenths and ones column to show what number was suppose to be there. I had some trouble with the column, since I don't usually use one. Anyway, here is my poster about place value...

And that is my place value poster. Sorry if my explaining didn't make sense that much. I'm not very good with explaining. What I enjoyed about making my poster, was choosing the flowers. My favourite flower in my poster would probably be the purple ones. I forgot the name of it. What is your favourite flower?

Monday 24 May 2021

All about me

Today for blogging I am uploading a blog about me and one thing that is special to me and what I enjoy. One thing that is very special to me is my mum. The reason my mum is very special to me is because she is always trying to make me and my family happy.  She always tries to make our day very special and wants us to have a good day. My mum makes sure that we always have food in our stomachs and I really couldn't ask for a better mum that her. What I enjoy is hanging out with my friends, Brooke and Frances at school and something else I like is food. My favourite type of food is Pizza and my favourite colour is blue, red and purple. I also like drawing and watching shows online. One of my favourite shows is Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia. I also really like cats because they are very cute and I used to have a cat that I really miss. That is pretty much all of it. 

Thursday 13 May 2021


 Today for blogging we had to make a screencastify about explaining what tidal energy is. I did a screencastify with my friend Frances. It was kinda fun, but and it took many tries and we had to redo it many times. In the video it shows us on a doc with writing in front of us. On the doc, the red writing is the sentences Frances said and the blue sentences are the ones I had to say. Also, turn your volume down a bit because it has a little bit of loud noises. At the end we thought we didn't record anything, but we ended up recording it and using the video and uploading it onto our blog. 

Here is the video...

What I enjoyed about making this video, was listing to the video at the end, it kinda sounds like I was standing a mile away from the Chromebook and Frances was very close to the Chromebook. 

I learned that there was something called screencastify on our Chromebooks and how to use it.

Have you ever made something using Screencastify? 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Math quiz

Today for blogging we had to make a quiz on google slides about Fractions. We got to choose a buddy to help us with the quiz and I choose Frances. We both worked together to make a good quiz. It was actually fun making the quiz because we both usually work well together. On our class site, on maths, it says we had to make 10 questions. I thought it would take us a while, but it didn't take us as long as I thought it would, witch was great. 

 Here is the math quiz we did...

What I enjoyed while making the quiz, was adding the pictures because the pictures was fun to choose.

What I could've improved on was spending more time on it to make it better because I wasn't really that concentrated on the slide, so maybe if I did concentrate more on it, the quiz could've been a little more better. 

Have you done a quiz about fractions before? What did you like and dislike form the quiz?

Wednesday 14 April 2021

The return of the Moa

 For blogging I am uploading one of my reading task. The reading task I am uploading is called. 'the return of the Moa.' The Moa is an animal that is extinct and it lived here in New Zealand. We had to make a a place for the Moa's to stay on minecraft. Me and Frances had to do one together because she forgot her minecraft password. We made a square box for the Moas and decorated it with glow stone, purple, red and black blocks and made a nice pattern with the blocks. After that we made a roof and put llamas into our cage. The llamas are suppose to be the Moa.

What I enjoyed was killing a pig in minecraft. 

Have you done something likes this before and have you played minecraft before? 

Monday 12 April 2021


For blogging I am blogging about my mathematics quiz I did. We had to make a quiz about the maths we are learning about today and have to make a quiz about it. I don't have many questions, though. It also didn't take me long to finish and I did enjoy making this quiz, I mostly enjoyed choosing the names. Lucy and Oscar are names I made up and the rest of the names  are from my school. Here is the quiz... 

What I enjoyed while making the quiz was choosing the names and the background. Mostly all my slides that I made have black backgrounds.

What have you done fro your maths?

How animals find food

 For blogging we are uploading our other reading task this week. This was our fist reading task and I did learn a few more things while doing this task. We had to chose some animals who camouflage and me and Frances worked together on a slide to make this. Frances chose spider and I chose chameleons. We did some more research about the animals and add that information to the slide and used more information form the text we read. Here is the slide we made...

What I enjoyed was adding pictures of the chameleons. 
What is your favourite animal and do you have any pets?

My reading task

 Today for blogging I am uploading my reading task this week. Me and my friend, Frances had to make rock art for the reading task we did. We chose an animal we like and then made a rock on google drawings. After that we put the animals on the rock and change their colour. We also had to write a little story about our animals and I guess it was kinda fun. I chose the fox and Frances chose the Husky. Here is our rock art that we did...

And that is our rock art. I enjoyed writing the story with Frances.
Have you ever done something similar to this?

My favourite shortcut

Today for blogging I am uploading my cyber smart activity. The activity is where you make a poster about your favourite shortcut. Mine favourite is Ctrl + Z. I actually have a few favourite ones, but  Ctrl + Z is my most common one I use everyday. I really like how there are shortcuts to help us with our work and to get to places way faster. Like Copy and paste makes life way more easier, especially if you want to upload your activity to your blog or want to share something with your friends or someone else. There are many shortcuts you can use on your chromebooks that I think could come in handy everyday. If you press ctrl + /  you can learn more about your chromebook and maybe even learn a few more shortcuts. Most of the shortcuts I learn are what my friends told me and I am so glad they did. Like Ctrl + Z one of my friends told me about and now I use it a lot because I usually delete a lot of things that I am not suppose t to. Here is my poster about my favourite shortcut...


What I enjoyed by making this poster is  changing the background to purple is my favourite colour and I think it looks good with the black. 
What I learned was a new shortcut that to my friend Frances, showed me when I was busy with my slide.
What is your favourite shortcut and why?

Thursday 8 April 2021

Maths Decimals

 LI: Understand decimal place value

Today for blogging I am uploading one of my Math activities from this week. The math I am sharing to my blog is called Decimal crossword. This is how you play...

1. Copy this number cross into the squares of your book.

2. Use the clues for across and down to compete the number the number cross by writing these decimals number words as numerals. 

Here is a picture of how it should look like...

Here is my math that I did. Have you ever done something like this before

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Our reading task


Today for blogging I am uploading my reading task. For our reading task we had to create a car, I created a car in google drawings and worked with Frances. We both used a car from the movie cars. We used Lighting McQueen to draw his outline and then I made him purple because purple is my favourite colour and I think he looks good in purple. I enjoyed it kinda. Here is the picture...

This is the new and improved lighting McQueen. Have you ever done something kinda like this before? What reading tasks do you do?

Friday 26 March 2021


 Today for my blog we had to upload out spelling for this term. Each week we get 10 spelling words to practise over the week. Some words are hard and some are easy. We also have to come up with sentences and definitions we have to write in our spelling book. Here is the photo about each week of my spelling and how many words I got right. Please keep in mind that some of the ten words are VERY hard, not because I am bad at it...

Do you have any homework to do and is it hard or easy?


Tuesday 23 March 2021

The sailing trip

 Today I am writing about the sailing trip me and all the year 8 and year 7 went on. Yesterday we went to Taipa sailing club. There we went sailing out on the sea. When we git there, we sat down in front of the building and were aloud to eat some food while we listen to what we are doing today. We were going to be split up into 2 groups, but before we were split up into our groups, we had to go and get changed into our togs. After getting into our togs, we found out winch group we were in. I was in group 1 with my two friends, Brooke and Anika. We walked down to the sand were we saw the sail boats. There were two red boats and a few yellow ones. The boats weren't big and just big enough to fit two people.

We had to get into 2 buddies and I went with Brooke. Anika went with Bailey and we climbed into the boats. Some of the grown ups went into the speed boats and grabbed ropes that were tied up around our boats that we were in. The ropes were tied around the each of the boats so that we would follow each other like a train. Brooke and I were the last boat and saw Anika and Bailey in front of us. The water felt nice and cold. The speed boat took us out to the ocean. We went faster, but it didn't feel like it. We were pretty far from the shore, but I loved it. I really wanted to jump in, but we weren't aloud yet. 

I looked at Brooke and she seemed pretty upset. She started crying and was really sad. She was also really scared. We tried to make her feel better and it kinda worked. Later, people on the speed boats flipped out boats upside down and told us to try and get it back up. Brooke didn't want to go, but ended up falling into the water. Luckily we had life jackets on, so she was fine. I loved the water. the water was nice and cold, which is why I didn't get out in a long time. It was really fun and hope we can do it again soon.

Monday 15 March 2021

Good Leadership

 We are learning about leadership

A good leader has characteristic the following qualities...

  • Kindness towards others
  • Respect other people and their properties
  • Listing to others ideas
  • Never giving up and always trying
  • Helping other if they need help
  • Positive attitude to others and yourself.
A leader I respect is my mum because she raised me and my siblings very well and she teaches my sisters what is right and wrong and it kind to everyone she meets. She respects others properties and is always trying to make everyone happy, even if she isn't. She does things with a good attitude and she tells us to never give up and always try. She is there for us when we need help and always try her best to help us in a good way. 


Monday 1 March 2021

Goal Settings term one :)

LI: Short paragraph about how you are going to  achieve your goals.

My first goal is to get better at my time tables. I am going to try and achieve my goal by practising every 3 days for 13 minutes and practise them with my mum or dad. I will hopefully achieve this by the end of this term.

My second goal is to get better at my spelling and to achieve this I will practise my spelling words everyday with my mum or dad, or a friend and hopefully I can also spell some Maori words as well because I want to learn a bit of Maori and I should be able to achieve this goal by the end of this term. 

My third goal is to get better at my writing, like using descriptive words in my writing and also write more stories. So I'll try and get inspiration and write stories with my friends and hopefully I will be able to achieve this by the end of this term.

My last goal is to play the drums. I am learning very slowly, but I'm getting there. I really enjoy playing the drums, so I will practise it every second day and I hope I can learn a few beats by the end of this term. 

Here is a picture of my goal setting paper...