
Friday 26 March 2021


 Today for my blog we had to upload out spelling for this term. Each week we get 10 spelling words to practise over the week. Some words are hard and some are easy. We also have to come up with sentences and definitions we have to write in our spelling book. Here is the photo about each week of my spelling and how many words I got right. Please keep in mind that some of the ten words are VERY hard, not because I am bad at it...

Do you have any homework to do and is it hard or easy?


Tuesday 23 March 2021

The sailing trip

 Today I am writing about the sailing trip me and all the year 8 and year 7 went on. Yesterday we went to Taipa sailing club. There we went sailing out on the sea. When we git there, we sat down in front of the building and were aloud to eat some food while we listen to what we are doing today. We were going to be split up into 2 groups, but before we were split up into our groups, we had to go and get changed into our togs. After getting into our togs, we found out winch group we were in. I was in group 1 with my two friends, Brooke and Anika. We walked down to the sand were we saw the sail boats. There were two red boats and a few yellow ones. The boats weren't big and just big enough to fit two people.

We had to get into 2 buddies and I went with Brooke. Anika went with Bailey and we climbed into the boats. Some of the grown ups went into the speed boats and grabbed ropes that were tied up around our boats that we were in. The ropes were tied around the each of the boats so that we would follow each other like a train. Brooke and I were the last boat and saw Anika and Bailey in front of us. The water felt nice and cold. The speed boat took us out to the ocean. We went faster, but it didn't feel like it. We were pretty far from the shore, but I loved it. I really wanted to jump in, but we weren't aloud yet. 

I looked at Brooke and she seemed pretty upset. She started crying and was really sad. She was also really scared. We tried to make her feel better and it kinda worked. Later, people on the speed boats flipped out boats upside down and told us to try and get it back up. Brooke didn't want to go, but ended up falling into the water. Luckily we had life jackets on, so she was fine. I loved the water. the water was nice and cold, which is why I didn't get out in a long time. It was really fun and hope we can do it again soon.

Monday 15 March 2021

Good Leadership

 We are learning about leadership

A good leader has characteristic the following qualities...

  • Kindness towards others
  • Respect other people and their properties
  • Listing to others ideas
  • Never giving up and always trying
  • Helping other if they need help
  • Positive attitude to others and yourself.
A leader I respect is my mum because she raised me and my siblings very well and she teaches my sisters what is right and wrong and it kind to everyone she meets. She respects others properties and is always trying to make everyone happy, even if she isn't. She does things with a good attitude and she tells us to never give up and always try. She is there for us when we need help and always try her best to help us in a good way. 


Monday 1 March 2021

Goal Settings term one :)

LI: Short paragraph about how you are going to  achieve your goals.

My first goal is to get better at my time tables. I am going to try and achieve my goal by practising every 3 days for 13 minutes and practise them with my mum or dad. I will hopefully achieve this by the end of this term.

My second goal is to get better at my spelling and to achieve this I will practise my spelling words everyday with my mum or dad, or a friend and hopefully I can also spell some Maori words as well because I want to learn a bit of Maori and I should be able to achieve this goal by the end of this term. 

My third goal is to get better at my writing, like using descriptive words in my writing and also write more stories. So I'll try and get inspiration and write stories with my friends and hopefully I will be able to achieve this by the end of this term.

My last goal is to play the drums. I am learning very slowly, but I'm getting there. I really enjoy playing the drums, so I will practise it every second day and I hope I can learn a few beats by the end of this term. 

Here is a picture of my goal setting paper...