
Friday 18 September 2020

Waitangi treaty grounds

 I.A.L.T upload what we did for waitangi and write about it

Today for blogging we had to upload what we did on Tuesday. On Tuesday we went to waitangi, where we learned to do cool stuff with scratch. Monica and Katelyn were two of the people who taught us. We also got a tour around waitangi and we saw canoes, the were made out of an old tree stump. We got to stand and sit on the tree stamp. We also went to the museum and saw pictures about people signing the treaty of waitangi. We had to get into buddies and at school we made a symbol of something that represents our family and I did mountains. Anyway, me and Peyton were buddies and on scratch we had to draw our symbol and get a character and we had to make the character move to the other side and explain what the symbol is and why it's important. We went onto scratch and got a background and a character. Here is a picture of waitangi...

I really enjoyed learning about scratch because now I know more about scratch for example, that you can draw stuff on the screen and insert it into your animation. 

I found interesting that you get to see the tree stump with the canoes.  

Have you been to waitangi before? What did you see?

Monday 14 September 2020

Math task

 I.A.L.T uplaod our math task of today and write about it.

Today for maths we did something called Sudoku. You get a worksheet and on the worksheet you get a box and there are other tiny boxes in the big box and there are numbers in the tiny boxes, but sometimes there aren't any numbers in some of the tiny boxes. Then you have to figure out what numbers should go into the boxes. On the worksheet there is usually like 4x4 or 5x5 and that means that the only numbers on the worksheet will be up to 4 or 5.  It's like a puzzle you need to solve, all the boxes should have the same numbers but each row and column and box have to contain all the numbers.

Here is a photo of how it should look like...

I enjoyed writing the answers because it was tricky, but sometimes it was easy too.

I found it interesting how it was actually fun because I find most math task boring. 

Have you done this before?

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Kiwi can week 8

 I.A.L.T upload my kiwi can lesson and write about it

Today for Kiwi can we learnt about the word accountability. This word we are talking about means when you do something bad, you tell the truth and be honest. One game we played that taught us how to be accountable was 'Impossible Connections'. This is how we play the game, first you need to dance to music and when the music stops, one person says, get into a group of two, three or any number and sometimes they say, get into a group of maybe 6 and feet. That means you and your group should put your feet together and sit down, the last group that sits down and did all of that is unfortunately out. I won two times, it was fun. Here is a picture of kiwi can today...

I really enjoyed learning the catchphrase, which is 'we are honest, we are true, we take ownership for what we do'

What I found challenging was getting into groups from the game we played because there was lot's of people and it was hard to organise everyone in such a short time. 

What games do you play at kiwi can?

Tuesday 8 September 2020

My Drawing room

 I.A.L.T upload our writing task and write about

Last week we started our writing task about a special place to us, like our bedroom, kitchen or anything really. I wrote about my imaginary drawing room. I really want a drawing room, so I imagine I have one. We get this plan that's called a hamburger. First we write what our special place is, then what it looks like, next we write describe it, like what does feel like, taste like and hear like, then we write about why it's special to us. We haven't fished , though. Here is a picture of my writing...

I really enjoyed writing what my drawing room looks like because there was a lot of stuff I wrote lots of things that were in my drawing room.
I found interesting that I know even more about my drawing room by describing it. 
I could improve on by writing and explaining more.

Do you have a special place? 

Thursday 3 September 2020

Geometric art

 I.A.L.T upload our art task and and write about it

Today for blogging we are uploading our Geometric art. I made a elephant and a wolf. I did the elephant first and then the wolf. I think this is one of my favourite pieces of art this year. Geometric art is when you draw a animal or pretty much anything, but using straight edged shapes, instead of curved edged shapes. The wolf is my favourite. Here is a photo of mine...

I enjoyed making the wolf because it was bigger and cooler for me. 
I found interesting that it is actually really easy, because I thought it would be tricky to make, but it wasn't.

Have you ever made geometric art before?