
Monday 31 August 2020


I.A.L.T upload my learning task to my blog and write about them

Today we are uploading out comma poster/quiz/animation. We also chose if we wanted to have buddies, I was buddies with Sofia. Sofia and I made a quiz. We had to explain how to use commas in our quiz and where to put them and what commas are. After that, we wrote heaps of sentences without commas and there are some pictures of commas below the sentences, so the person reading the questions has to take the commas and add it to the right place in the sentence. Here is slide me and Sofia made...

I really enjoyed writing the sentences and being buddies with Sofia. 

I found interesting that commas are actually pretty fascinating if you research about them because they are used for many things in a sentence. 

Have you made a poster/quiz/animation about commas? 

Wednesday 19 August 2020

My little sister Jessica

I.A.L.T upload my work to my blog

Today for blogging we had to upload a task we completed today or yesterday or our letter we wrote about a special person last week. I chose my letter about my special person. I wrote about, Jessica, who is my little sister. We had to write four paragraphs. The first paragraph is who my person is and where they live and who they live with. The second paragraph is about what they look like. Third paragraph is about their personality and their actions. Lucky last is fourth and the fourth paragraph is about their hobbies.

 Here is my letter...

I really enjoyed choosing a picture of Jessica because I had so many and some of them were really cute.
What I did well was probably coming up with good ways to start my sentences and not with she or the. 
Who is special to you?

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Kiwi Can

I.A.L.T upload my learning task to my blog and write about.

Today we had Kiwi Can. I really enjoy Kiwi Can, anyways. We played red light and green light and this new clapping game. To play that game, everyone has to sit in a circle and clap their hands to make a beat. After that, one person has to start counting to one and the second person has to say the second number, but, you can pass it to anyone who sits next to you. To make sure everyone knows who you are passing it too, you take your hand and put it by the right or left side of your neck and yeah. The last person who counts to seven, the next person has to count again and it goes on and on, but if someone counted 8 or more, they are out. Here is a picture of today's Kiwi Can lesson...
I enjoyed playing red light and green light because it was tricky and fun.
I found interesting that there are so many different games out there in the world.
What do you do at Kiwi Can if you have it at your school? 

Monday 3 August 2020

Writing task

I.A.L.T upload my learning task to my blog and write about it

Today for blogging we had to upload any task from last week, so today I am uploading my writing task. 
For writing last week, we had to expand a sentence. The sentence that we had to expand was 'The door slammed.' This is my sentence that I wrote 'Sofia slammed the big brown door very loudly that the poor door cracked.' Here is a picture of my work...
I found interesting that it's actually easy to make a boring sentence into a interesting sentence.
I really enjoyed thinking about the sentence that I had to write because there was so many words I could've used. 

Have you ever done a task like this at your school before, if you have, what kinda sentence did you have to try and make interesting?