
Wednesday 21 October 2020

Kiwi Can

 I.A.L.T upload a post showing what we learnt in Kiwi Can today

Today we had Kiwi Can and I had a great time. We are learning about Respect and treating people the way I wanted to be treated. We played two games, the first one was called Snap, Crackle and Pop. To play Snap, Crackle and Pop, you need to get in a group with three people. One of you are called Snap, the other Crackle and the last one is called Pop. After you get into a group and name yourself, you and all the other teams who is also in a group with three people and named yourself, you all get into a circle standing next to your group and then, one person yells out Snap, which means that the person who is called Snap has in the group has to run around the entire circle. Pop and Crackle has to hold each others leg, but only one leg and when Snap has ran around the circle they have to go back to where they started running and go under Pop and Crackles legs and in the middle you can put a shoe and the first person who gets the shoe wins a point for their team. Our Catchphrase is 'We respect our school, we will do it, because we are cool'

Here is a picture...

I was being respectful by not talking over anyone and I think no one actually talked over anyone at all.

I enjoyed play Snap, Crackle and Pop because it was fun running around the circle.

I could improve on trying a little bit more and pushing myself.

Do you have Kiwi can and if you do, what did you do for Kiwi Can?

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Swimming lesson

Today for blogging we had to upload what we did yesterday. Yesterday we went on a trip to learn snorkelling. We went to Te Punawai-ora pools to learn snorkelling. Next week on Tuesday we are going to the real ocean to practice snorkelling there. At Te Punawai-ora pool we put on wet suits, flippers and mask. We had to get in buddies. We all had to sit at the end of the pool with our buddies and put our mask and flippers on. We all got a board then we all got in. We first tested our mask to make sure no water comes in and then, one by one, each person with their buddy got called up with their board and had to hold on the end of the board and swam around the pool with our heads under the water. We went twice around the whole pool. Then we also had to swim under a hoop and after that you and your buddy had to swim to the other side of the pool and then we had to get out and get changed again. Here is a photo of...

I learned that wet suits are actually really tricky to put on and take off,.

I also really enjoyed going through the hoop because I like going through things and also going under water.

My goal is to not be afraid to go to the deep side because I am not that confident swimming in deep water.

Have you ever been snorkelling or been to Te Punawai-ora pools before?